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Sumo Logic Doc Template

Copy this markdown file and replace it with your own documentation. See the markdown code to see how it all works. For a full list of options, see the Style Guide.

Replace the title above in the Frontmatter section with yours. This will render as an H1 header. All other header sections should be H2, H3, H4, or H5.

Sample H2 section

To add an image, save the .png file with a simple name, no spaces in it, in /static/img. For many images, consider guide or product feature folders. Include alt text and the file location /img/folder-name/ and file name.

Example format for image code
![Sumo Logic logo](/img/sumo-square.png)

Sumo Logic logo


Always use 1. to start your instructions. You don't need to actually number the list. It will automatically number for you on build.

  1. Click Collections, then Sources tab.
  2. Next step, just write it out.
    • Bullet list just tab and use * or 1..
    • Next bullet.
      Sumo Logic logo
  3. The numbers continue with content indented above!

Here is an example table:

DashboardInfo on Dashboards. Markdown works here too.
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