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sum Grouping Operator

Sum adds the values of the numerical field being evaluated within the time range analyzed.


sum(<numerical_field>) [as <field>] [by <field>]


  • Creates field named _sum


... | sum(bytes_received) group by hostname

Sample log message:

Aug 2 04:06:08 : host= local/ssl2 notice mcpd[3772]: filesize=20454: diskutilization=0.4 : 01070638:5: Pool member monitor status down.

Example based on sample log message above:

file*| parse "filesize=*" as filesize
| sum (filesize) group _sourceHost

Finds all messages that contain term file* and parses out all that have a filesize=value. It will then extract the value of filesize and will add all those values per host where those log messages are generated.

When you calculate the sum of more than one field, you must create an alias using the as operator to rename the sum fields. See this example:

| kv "HandleCount", "ThreadCount"
| sum(HandleCount) as sumHandleCount, sum(ThreadCount) as sumThreadCount

You can use multiple aggregation operators on the same line of a query. For example:

max(amount) as amount_max, count(datetime) as datetime_count, sum(_size) as messages_size_sum, last(query) as last_query
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