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haversine Search Operator

The haversine operator returns the distance between latitude and longitude values of two coordinates in kilometers. Coordinates need to be positive or negative values based on being north/south or east/west, instead of using the terms N/S, E/W.


haversine(<latitude1>, <longitude1>, <latitude2>, <longitude2>) as <field>


| haversine(39.04380, -77.48790, 45.73723, -119.81143) as distanceKMs

This returns a field named distanceKMs with the value '3,512.71000'.

Return value in miles

To convert kilometers (KM) to miles you can divide the KM value by 1.609344.

| haversine(39.04380, -77.48790, 45.73723, -119.81143)/1.609344 as distanceMiles
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