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isReservedIP Search Operator

The isReservedIP operator checks if an IPv4 address is reserved as defined by RFC 5735 and returns a boolean.


isReservedIP("<IPv4_string>") as <field>
isReservedIP(<IPv4_string_field>) [as <field>]


  • Returns true if the input is a valid reserved IPv4 address.
  • Invalid IPv4 addresses are dropped from the results.

The following warning is shown when results are dropped or an IPv6 address is detected:

isprivateip operator warning for dropped invalid ip addresses.png


| isReservedIP(dest_host)

The following returns true:

| isReservedIP("") as isReserved

The following returns true:

| isReservedIP("") as isReserved

The following returns true:

| isReservedIP("") as isReserved
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