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2015 Archive

This is an archive of 2015 Collector Release Notes. The current Collector Release Notes are here.

December 18, 2015 (i19.137-15)

This Collector software minor upgrade contains two important bug fixes. Upgrading Collectors is required to resolve these issues.

Bug fix | Fixed an issue that could result in a large number of messages being written into the Collector log file when using Syslog UDP Sources.

Bug fix | Improved error messages during unattended (quiet) installation.

December 8, 2015 (i19.137)

New feature | We're proud to announce an improved Collector installer. New features include:

  • A new configuration file, named
  • Support for Advanced settings (Proxy support, Source setup, etc.)
  • Improved documentation and failure handling within the installer.
  • The Windows Collector Installer is now signed with Microsoft Authenticode to verify that it comes fromSumo Logic.

New feature | We have new options for data forwarding, including data forwarding from Installed Collectors.

Bug fix | Passwords containing the # symbol are now supported for Windows users specified in the "Run As" field.

Bug fix | An issue that could cause Collectors to be incorrectly marked as Offline in the UI has been fixed.

Bug fix | An issue that could cause Collectors to go Offline for a few seconds after receiving a malformed message from the service has been resolved.

August 31, 2015 (i19.127)

This Collector software update contains two important bug fixes. Upgrading Collectors is required to resolve these issues.

Bug fix | Collector installation no longer fails when using the Setup Wizard on a machine where Collector software is already installed.

Bug fix | Improvements in Collector diagnostic logging infrastructure resoles an issue that caused a large number of unused threads. This bug only affected customers using Trial accounts.

June 13, 2015 (i19.119)

Collector software was updated to support our new Onboarding experience. These update don't affect existing Collectors.

May 26, 2015 (i19.118)

New feature | Local Event Tracing (ETW) Support with Windows Event Channels. This update to the Local Windows Event Log Source allows you to specify the Windows Custom Event Channels you'd like to collect from. This option replaces the "Others" option that previously collected whatever events Sumo Logic could find on a Collector. Learn more about Windows Events Channels.

April 25, 2015 (i19.115)

JRE 7 Support. We’ve upgraded to JRE 7, which fixes a potential security vulnerability in JRE 6 (

JRE 7 is now included in the Collector package and is installed automatically during the installation process. This applies to new installations on all platforms except UNIX. For UNIX platforms, you need to install JRE before installing the Collector. The Collector still works with JRE 6, but due to the security vulnerability, we encourage you to use JRE 7 and upgrade to the latest Collector.

Performance improvements for Local Windows Event Collection. Local Windows event logs have been optimized and are now collected faster.

Assigning a custom directory for installation. During installation, the Collector installer automatically creates the needed Collector directories in the default location. If you want to specify a different location than the default top level directory, create your own top level directory before you start the installer, and then select it during the installation process.


February 28, 2015 (i19.110)

Change log | When collecting Windows Events, if event record IDs were greater than four billion, the Collector could hang on a record ID, causing it to re-collect that record in a loop, causing ingestion delays of more recent events.This issue was due to a 32bit limitation that affected 64bit Collectors. This version of Collector software addresses this limitation, so events with record numbers greater than four billion are properly collected.

New feature | UTF-16 encoding is now supported for Local File Sources.

February 4, 2015 (i19.108)

New Feature | Support for Local Configuration Management. With Local Configuration Management, you can set up and manage all Sources that you’ve set up on a Local Collector using a file that describes each Source’s parameters. The config file then remains on the Collector, and is checked nearly constantly for any changes, making updating Sources a quick process.

New Feature | Support for CPU usage Target.You can now choose to set a CPU Target to limit the amount of CPU processing a Collector uses. This option is applied only to for Local and Remote file Sources.

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