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2019 Archive

This is an archive of 2019 Collector Release Notes. The current Collector Release Notes are here.

December 2, 2019 (19.278-10)

  • Beta release: For our new Archive] feature, we’ve added a new Processing Rule type named Archive messages that match that allows you to archive log data at the source level on Installed Collectors. To participate contact your Sumo account executive or sign up for an enterprise trial account.

November 5, 2019 (19.253-26)

  • Bundled JRE version upgraded to
  • Bug Fix: Docker Logs and Stats Sources were not running properly on FIPS enabled Collectors.
  • Bug Fix: Remote File Sources caused a connection leak due to the Collector not closing SFTP connections after hitting the retry limit.
  • Bug Fix: Wrapper configuration properties could not be set with the Command Line Installer.
  • Bug Fix: Addresses a potential security vulnerability where the Run As user information was preserved in the file after installation on Windows systems. This fix applies to all prior Collector versions on Windows. You will need to remove the credentials from the file manually on existing affected Collectors.
  • Bug Fix: A warning message was not provided when the installer was run with an invalid Run As user.

August 13, 2019 (19.253-14)

  • Bundled JRE version upgraded to on Linux and macOS and on Windows.
  • Bug Fix: FIPS 140-2 compliant Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) couldn’t be enabled on Mac and TAR packaging.
  • Bug Fix: The US1 deployment was incorrectly responding with 401 "Credentials no longer accepted by service" to Collectors registered in other deployments.
  • Bug Fix: Uppercase JSON file extensions (.JSON) were ignored by Collectors when using JSON files to configure Sources.
  • Bug Fix: New Collectors on macOS were failing to install.

August 8, 2019 (19.253-13)


Version Retracted

  • Bundled JRE version upgraded to on Linux and macOS and on Windows.
  • Bug Fix: FIPS 140-2 compliant Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) couldn’t be enabled on Mac and TAR packaging.
  • Bug Fix: The US1 deployment was incorrectly responding with 401 "Credentials no longer accepted by service" to Collectors registered in other deployments.
  • Bug Fix: Uppercase JSON file extensions (.JSON) were ignored by Collectors when using JSON files to configure Sources.

June 12, 2019 (19.253-6)

  • Bug fix: A Windows Event Source could ingest duplicate data after upgrading its Collector.

May 15, 2019 (19.253-3)

  • From this release forward Sumo Logic now bundles the Amazon Corretto JRE, v8.212.04.2, replacing Oracle’s OpenJDK. Note the following changes:
    • Users running the Collector on Windows 32 bit systems may require a patch before upgrading. We have set the static download URL for Windows 32 bit machines to point to the previous Collector version. Once your system is patched you can download this version by adding the parameter "?version=19.253-3" at the end of the static URL. For example,
    • This and future releases of the Collector do not support Linux 32 bit.
  • Added the option to enable FIPS 140-2 compliant Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) on new Installed Collectors to encrypt your data to Sumo Logic's Fed deployment in US1 only. FIPS mode is not supported for any other deployment. If you are unsure whether you are on the Fed deployment, check our deployments.
  • New parameters are configurable at install time with the Command Line Installer, eliminating the need to wait until after installation and restarting the Collector service.

March 28, 2019 (19.245-6)

  • Bug fix: Remote File Sources support OpenSSH keys with ECDSA, RSA, and ED25519.
  • Bug fix: Docker Stats Sources collect all available host metrics when the metrics parameter is omitted or provided as an empty array in JSON configurations.

March 18, 2019 (19.245-4)

  • Script Sources and Script Actions now need to be enabled on new Collectors using the parameters, enableScriptSource and enableActionSource. Previously these Sources were automatically enabled and we required you to disable them if needed. The new parameters are automatically added to existing Collectors when upgraded. They are set to true on Collectors that already have these Sources and set to false if the Collector doesn’t have these Sources.
  • Bug fix: Denylist path expressions on Windows are now case insensitive to match Window’s behavior.

March 6, 2019 (19.227-24)

  • To maintain backward compatibility we've updated the parameters for Script and Action Sources in preparation for an upcoming release.

February 12, 2019 (19.227-22)

  • Bundled JRE version upgraded to 8u202.
  • Bug fix: Windows Collector upgrades could fail due to a timeout when checking for privileges of the user running the Collector service.

January 14, 2019 (19.227-19)

  • Streaming Metrics Sources now support the Prometheus metric format.
  • Host Metrics Sources now support the Disk_UsedPercent metric, which provides the used disk space percentage.
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