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3 posts tagged with "cloud siem release notes"

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Support for Custom Inventory Sources

Cloud SIEM Enterprise now supports custom sources of inventory data. Now, if you want to ingest inventory data from a source that Sumo Logic does not provide a pre-built connnector for, you can use this new feature. See the new document Configure a Custom Inventory Source for details.

Standard Match Lists

As a reminder, the migration for our out-of-the-box rules content from standard match lists to tags for Entities has begun. The system is now automatically setting the appropriate tags for any Entities appearing in any of the standard match lists called out in the previous announcement. This will continue until January 20, 2023, when the migration will be complete.

Minor Changes and Enhancements

  • [New] API endpoints have been creeated enabling users to upload attribute changes (such as tags or criticality) for multiple Entities in a single call, rather than having to do so one at a time. The new endpoints are /entities/bulk-add-tags, /entities/bulk-update-tags, /entities/bulk-remove-tags, /entities/bulk-update-suppressed, and /entities/bulk-update-criticality. Note that these API endpoints have a limit of 1000 entries per call. More details are available via the API Documentation link in Cloud SIEM Enterprise.
  • [Updated] Previously, a new feature was added to the Enrichments tab that enabled you to hide any attribute-value pair with an "empty" value for clarity. This included values like "0" or "N/A". However, some of those values are often useful to the analyst (for example, number_of_threat_reports="0"). Starting with this release, this feature will only hide attributes with truly empty values (i.e., attribute="").

Resolved Issues

  • The CSV file upload method for updating Entity attributes did not support sensor zones or normalized entity names properly.
  • CSE has switched providers of lists of public dynamic DNS domains, which has resolved an issue with rules utilizing these lists.

Announcement: Standard Match Lists Migration to Entity Tags

Currently, CSE defines a set of standard Match Lists as a way to allow users to specify lists of Entities and other indicators that should affect whether or not Rules create Signals. However, starting next week, the Rules included with CSE will begin transitioning to leverage Entity tags for this purpose instead. Tags on Entities are more flexible and can also provide context to analysts during the investigation phase.

Next week, a new set of standard tag schemas will be introduced in CSE. These tag schemas will correspond to the existing standard Match Lists:

KeyAllowed ValuesEquivalent Match List

(There are five standard match lists not affected by this change, as they do not contain Entities. These include: business_asns, business_domains, business_hostnames, threat, and verified_uri_paths.)

Beginning Thursday, October 20, the contents of the standard match lists listed above will automatically be copied to tags set on the individual entities. So, for example, if an Entity is in match list sql_servers, a tag _deviceService:sql will be set on it. CSE will continue to automatically create these tags from the standard match lists for a period of 3 months, until January 20, 2023. During this period, pre-defined rules will be updated to reference these tags instead of the standard match lists, so by the end of this period all rules will be updated and CSE will no longer automatically create these tags.

Please update any process you use to maintain the members of standard match lists by January 20, 2023 to maintain standard Entity tags instead (or in addition). We highly recommend you take advantage of Entity Groups to set Entity tags rather than individually setting tags. Entity Groups enable the automatic application of attributes like tags based on the Entity's value, IP address range, or inventory group.

Note that you cannot extend the standard tag schemas (for example, you cannot add a value azureAdmin to _userGroup). (The underscore prefix in the schema name means it's a system-defined schema.) Instead, create a different tag schema (such as customUserGroup) with such extended values.

You can refer to Entity tags in Rule expressions. For example, if you've attached the tag _deviceService:sql to an Entity, this statement will return "true" if that Entity is listed in a Record's srcDevice_ip field:

array_contains(fieldsTags["srcDevice_ip"], "_deviceService:sql")

Additional information about the standard tag schema, match lists, Entity groups, and using these features with Rules is available in the Cloud SIEM Documentation.

Minor Changes and Enhancements

  • [New] Users can now filter object lists based on tag schema. The list results will include all objects that have a tag that are part of that schema. For example, if you search for _networkType (from the note above) the list results will include any object that has a tag of _networkType:guest, _networkType:nat, and/or _networkType:vpn.

Resolved Issues

  • Entity relationships were not taking sensor zones into account properly.
  • Entity details pages were only briefly displaying the proper Criticality.
  • The Entities Count links on the Entity Criticality list pages were pointing at the wrong URLs.

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Here you'll find information about new and enhanced features, updated content (like rules, log mappers and parsers), bug fixes, and other important announcements for Cloud SIEM Enterprise.

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