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July 8, 2022 (Apps)


Update - The Sumo Logic App for AWS Observability Classic Load Balancer uses CW logs and metrics to give you visibility into the health of your Classic Load Balancer. Use the pre-configured dashboards to understand the latency, request and host status, threat intel, and HTTP backend codes by availability zone. This app is updated from the AWS observability solution in the App Catalog. Updates include upgrading all dashboards to Dashboards(New), additional Dashboards to analyze Request and Process Bytes, and Dashboard to monitor Threat Intel.

Update - The Sumo Logic App for Amazon ElastiCache provides visibility into key event and performance analytics that enable proactive diagnosis and response to system and environment issues. Use the preconfigured dashboards for at-a-glance analysis of event status trends, locations, successes, and failures, as well as system health and performance metrics. The dashboards also have additional performance insights for Redis clusters. This app is updated from the AWS observability solution in the App Catalog. Updates include upgrading all dashboards to Dashboards(New) and new Dashboards for Redis performance details and Command Latency.

Update - The Sumo Logic App for AWS Application Load Balancer uses CW logs and metrics to give you visibility into the health of your Application Load Balancer and target groups. Use the preconfigured dashboards to understand the latency, request and host status, threat intel, and HTTP backend codes by availability zone and target group. This app is updated from the AWS observability solution in the App Catalog. Updates include upgrading all dashboards to Dashboards(New) and new Dashboards for Response Analysis, Target Group Response Analysis, and Request and Processed Bytes.


New - Care to comment? Now you can. In the Metrics Explorer, in Advanced Mode you can add comments to a metrics query and comment out portions of the query by using comment formatting. Comments are helpful for troubleshooting during query development, and also for other users who may use or edit your queries at a later date—comments you add will be visible in saved and shared queries. For more information, see Comments in Metric Queries.

Update - The eval metrics operator has been enhanced to support a _granularity option that provides the length, in milliseconds, of the bucket used for quantization, for use in metric queries.


New - We’re pleased to announce our new in-product Kubernetes onboarding experience, which guides first-time users step by step through data collection setup (Orchestration, Infrastructure & App Data), the dashboard generation process, and alert monitors installation. To try it out, go to Sumo Logic > App Catalog > Kubernetes app > then follow the wizard steps. You can also refer to our Kubernetes Quickstart doc, which mirrors the in-product onboarding workflow.

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