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Tracing - Environment Support for APM Dashboards

Update - Tracing dashboards now offer native support for OpenTelemetry's deployment.environment standard tag.

OpenTelemetry deployment.environment is a helpful way of slicing APM data between environments (e.g. dev vs prod). Previously, this was supported in tracing metrics as metadata and available for custom queries and dashboards, and now it's supported in our out-of-the-box dashboards as well.

  • New Explore view: APM: Environment View
  • New dashboard elements ...across environments and ...within environment show data sliced or filtered for recognized environments
  • environment added to Entity Inspector as new entity
  • environment filter added to all drill-down views
  • Application Service View and Service Application View renamed to APM: Application view and APM: Service View, respectively. Both views now have a hierarchy level with deployment.environment.

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