Instrument your application with OpenTelemetry
OpenTelemetry provides a wide range of ready to use componentry to get you started with distributed tracing. We recommend auto-instrumentation if you prefer not to change application code and are using the following language frameworks:
In this section, we'll introduce the following concepts:
🗃️ AWS Lambda
3 items
🗃️ Go
1 items
📄️ Istio
Learn how to instrument OpenTelemetry Application code to collect Istio trace data generated from Envoy proxies.
📄️ Kubernetes
Setting up Tracing instrumentation for Java, Python, NodeJS, and .NET applications deployed in Kubernetes just got easier. In a few simple steps, with the OpenTelemetry-Operator, your application is automatically instrumented and your traces are sent to Sumo.
🗃️ JavaScript
1 items
🗃️ Java
2 items
🗃️ .NET
1 items
🗃️ Python
1 items
📄️ Ruby on Rails
Learn how to collect telemetry data from Ruby on Rails applications.
📄️ Ruby
Learn how to collect telemetry data from applications written in Ruby.