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JavaScript TraceId and SpanId injection into logs

It is very simple to configure traceId, spanId, and trace flags data injection into user logs in JavaScript applications. Mostly it is enough to add instrumented versions of the logging packages into project dependencies and register them as new instrumentation.


The examples below apply to OpenTelemetry JS instrumentation version 0.23.0.

Winston Logger OpenTelemetry instrumentation

The following information walks through winston logger OpenTelemetry instrumentation:

  1. Package dependency installation:

    npm install --save @opentelemetry/instrumentation-winston
  2. winston instrumentation registration should be added in the file where OpenTelemetry JS instrumentation is configured. See Sumo Logic OpenTelemetry JS auto-instrumentation for details.

    • Import dependency:

      const { WinstonInstrumentation } = require('@opentelemetry/instrumentation-winston');
    • Register WinstonInstrumentation

      instrumentations: [
      new WinstonInstrumentation(),
      // other instrumentations

Bunyan Logger OpenTelemetry instrumentation

The following information walks through bunyan logger OpenTelemetry instrumentation:

  1. Package dependency installation:

    npm install --save @opentelemetry/instrumentation-bunyan
  2. bunyan instrumentation registration should be added in the file where OpenTelemetry JS instrumentation is configured. See Sumo Logic OpenTelemetry JS auto-instrumentation for details.

    • Import dependency

      const { BunyanInstrumentation } = require('@opentelemetry/instrumentation-bunyan');
    • Register BunyanInstrumentation

      instrumentations: [
      new BunyanInstrumentation(),
      // other instrumentations

Pino Logger OpenTelemetry instrumentation

The following information walks through pino logger OpenTelemetry instrumentation:

  1. Package dependency installation :

    npm install --save @opentelemetry/instrumentation-pino
  2. pino instrumentation registration should be added in the file where OpenTelemetry JS instrumentation is configured. See Sumo Logic OpenTelemetry JS auto-instrumentation for details.

    • Import dependency

      const { PinoInstrumentation } = require('@opentelemetry/instrumentation-pino');
    • Register PinoInstrumentation

      instrumentations: [
      new PinoInstrumentation(),
      // other instrumentations

Custom logger - span Context extraction

In the case of custom loggers, the most important thing is to know how to obtain the current traceId, spanId, and trace flag. Follow the steps below:

  1. Package dependency installation

    npm install --save @opentelemetry/api
  2. Current span Context extraction is the way to obtain required data.

  • Import dependency

    const api = require('@opentelemetry/api');
  • Get a current span

    let current_span = api.trace.getSpan(;
  • Obtain trace_id, span_id and trace flag

    let trace_id = current_span.spanContext().traceId;
    let span_id = current_span.spanContext().spanId;
    let trace_flags = current_span.spanContext().traceFlags;
  • Example usage

    console.log(`Example log trace_id:”${trace_id}” span_id:”${span_id}” trace_flags:”${trace_flags}`);

    Example output:

    Example log trace_id:"b2fa3d72711c1adad9ec88348c46f449" span_id:"85733005b2678b28" trace_flags:"1"
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