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Performance Metrics Script Setup

This section has instructions for setting up the performance metrics script on Linux and Windows for the Oracle app.

The Sumo app for Oracle uses a Python script to query database tables to collect Oracle server performance metrics.

The script connects the database using a database user account, runs a set of example SQL queries, and prints the query results in JSON format to the console. The account credentials and SQL queries are specified in the script configuration file, oracle-perf-monitor.cfg.

The SQL queries in the “[queries]” section of the configuration file are provided as examples. You can add, modify, and remove queries, as desired. We recommend having the queries you plan to use reviewed by your DBA.

The database user that you use to run the SQL queries should have permission to access query-specific databases, tables, and views. The table below shows the SQL commands to grant the required permissions for each query.

Query SQL Command to Grant Permissions
For Queries 1 through 3

SQL> grant select on sys.v_$tablespace to <username>;

SQL> grant select on sys.dba_free_space to <username>;

SQL> grant select on sys.v_$datafile to <username>;

SQL> grant select on v_$sysstat to <username>;

For Query 4

SQL> grant select on sys.v_$session to <username>;

SQL> grant select on sys.v_$process to <username>;

For Queries 5 and 6SQL> grant select on sys.v_$session_wait to <username>;

SQL> grant select on sys.dba_jobs to <username>;


The script was developed and tested on:

  • Linux Server 8.4, Python (3.7.10), Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production - Version


Check Linux version

Check the version of Linux currently running on your machine to ensure compatibility with the script.

$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch
Distributor ID: OracleServer
Description: Oracle Linux Server release 8.4
Release: 8.4
Codename: n/a

If you get the error lsb_release: command not found , use below command to install lsb core and then re-run above command

sudo yum update && sudo yum install redhat-lsb-core

Install Python 3.7.10+ for Linux

In this step, you install Python 3.7.10 for Linux.

  1. Install Python using the following command.
    yum install python3 -y
    ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
  2. To check the Python version:
    python3 --version
    Python 3.7.10
  3. In this step, you install pip if it’s not already installed. To determine whether pip is installed, run this command:
    $ pip3 -V
    If pip is not installed, you’ll see this message: The program 'pip' is currently not installed. To install pip, run this command:
    yum install python3-pip -y
    To verify the installation, run this command:
    $ pip3 -V
    You should see a message like this: pip 20.2.2 from /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip (python 3.7).

Install Oracle Instant Client on Linux 64bit OS

  1. Install Oracle Instant Client packages
$ dnf install oracle-instantclient-release-el8 -y
$ dnf install oracle-instantclient-basic
$ oracle-instantclient-devel oracle-instantclient-jdbc
$ oracle-instantclient-odbc oracle-instantclient-sqlplus oracle-instantclient-tools -y
  1. Install the libaio and libaio-dev packages if they are not already installed. Typically, in standard Oracle Linux Server, the libaio and libaio-dev are not pre-installed. These packages are required to start the Oracle Instant Client.
$ dnf install -y libaio libaio-devel
  1. Test the client
$ sqlplus username/password@//databasehost:1521/sidvalue
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Nov 25 12:42:35 2021
Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
  1. Run a sample SQL query to test the connection.
SQL> select BANNER from v$version;                
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

Set up cx_Oracle on Linux

In this step, you set up cx_Oracle, an open-source Python interface to Oracle.

  1. Install cx_Oracle.
pip3 install cx_Oracle==7.3
  1. Check the cx_oracle version.
pip3 list | grep cx-Oracle
cx-Oracle (7.3.0)

Set up and Configure Performance Metrics Script

In this step, you set up the performance metrics script.

Download the script - Clone the git repo

Clone the Sumo Logic Python performance metrics script and configuration files from the git repo inside a folder (for example: oracle_script) using below command:

$ git clone

Once the script is cloned, navigate to oracle_script/sumooracle

Two files oracle-perf-monitor.cfg and should be present.

Configure the script

Make the following updates to the script configuration file (oracle-perf-monitor.cfg). In the [dbLogin] section, supply values for each parameter:

If you do not wish to keep the password in the configuration file, keep the oraPassword field blank. You can set the password in the environment variable DB_PASSWORD.

To set environment variable , add variable in your ~/.bash_profile file in your environment

export DB_PASSWORD = DB Password

The script first tries to read the password from the config file, if the password is not found in the config file, it searches for an environment variable DB_PASSWORD.


  • oraUser= database user id example myuser123
  • oraPassword= user password example mypwd123
  • oraHost=server name example ip-101-25-17-22
  • oraPort=port number example 1521
  • oraInstance=oracle instance SID (SID_NAME) example XE

Test the script

$ python3

Configure the Sumo Logic Script Source

  1. In Sumo Logic, go to Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
  2. Find the name of the installed collector to which you'd like to add a Source. Click Add. Then choose Add Source from the pop-up menu.
  3. Select Script for the Source type. Collectors using version 19.245-4 and later do not allow Script Sources to run by default. To allow Script Sources you need to set the Collector parameter enableScriptSource in to true and restart the Collector.
    1. For Name enter any name you like, for instance, Oracle Server Script
    2. The Description is optional.
    3. For Source Category, enter the desired category. It can be any value you like, for example, DB/Oracle/DBQueryScript.
    4. Fields. Set the following fields:
      • component = database
      • db_system = oracle
      • db_cluster = <Your_Oracle_Cluster_Name>. Enter Default if you do not have one.
      • environment = <Your_Environment_Name>(for example, Dev, QA, or Prod)
5. For **Frequency**, select desired frequency, for instance, 5 minutes
6. For **Specify a timeout for your command**, select a value that is long enough that long-running queries can complete, for instance, 30 seconds.
7. For **Command**, `select /usr/bin/python`
8. For **Script**, enter a path to the script, for example, `oracle_script/sumooracle/`
9. For **Working Directory**, enter a directory, for example,

oracle_script/sumooracle 10. Click Save.

After a few minutes, your new Source should be propagated down to the Collector and will begin submitting your Oracle log files to the Sumo Logic service.


This section has instructions for setting up the performance metrics script on Windows OS for the Oracle app.

The script was developed and tested on:

  • Windows Server 2019 standard, Python (3.7.10), Oracle Database 19c (19.3) for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)


Install Python 3.7.10+ for Windows

  1. Download and install Python for Windows from:
  2. Add the python installation folder to your Path system variable: Control Panel > Systems > Advanced System Settings > Advanced Tab > Environment Variable > System Variables > Path.

To confirm that you have successfully installed Python and added it to your path, open a new command window and run the following command:

C:\Users\Administrator>python3 --version

You should see this response: Python 3.7.10.

Install Oracle Instant Client for Windows 64bit

  1. Download and setup Oracle Instant Client for Win 64bit.
  2. Unzip the packages into a single directory, for example:
  1. Add this directory to the PATH environment variable. If you have multiple versions of Oracle libraries installed, make sure the new directory occurs first in the path.
  2. Download and install the correct Visual Studio Redistributable from Microsoft. Instant Client 21.3 requires the Visual Studio 2017 redistributable.
  3. Test the client:
sqlplus username/password@//databasehost:1521/sidvalue
C:\Users\Administrator>sqlplus user/password//IP_ORACLE_SERVER:1521/remote_service_name

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Nov 25 17:03:16 2021
Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
  1. Run some sample SQL queries to test the connection,
SQL> select BANNER from v$version;
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

Install cx_Oracle on Windows

  1. Use Python’s pip package to install cx_Oracle.
python3 -m pip install cx_Oracle==7.3
  1. Check the cx_Oracle version.
Python 3.7.10 (v2.7.18:8d21aa21f2, Apr 20 2020, 13:25:05) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import cx_Oracle
>>> print cx_Oracle.version

Set up and Configure Performance Metrics Script

In this step, you set up the performance metrics script.

Download the script - Clone the git repo

Clone the Sumo Logic Python performance metrics script and configuration files from the git repo inside a folder (for example: oracle_script) using below command:

$ git clone

Once the script is cloned, navigate to oracle_script/sumooracle.

Two files oracle-perf-monitor.cfg and should be present.

Configure the script

Make the following updates to the script configuration file (oracle-perf-monitor.cfg). In the [dbLogin] section, supply values for each parameter:

If you do wish to keep the password in the configuration file, keep the oraPassword field blank. You can keep the password in the environment variable DB_PASSWORD.

To set environment variable , add variable using below command:

setx DB_PASSWORD = DB Password

The script first tries to read password from the config file, if the password is not found in config file, it searches for an environment variable DB_PASSWORD


  • oraUser= database user id example myuser123
  • oraPassword= user password example mypwd123
  • oraHost=server name example ip-101-25-17-22
  • oraPort=port number example 1521
  • oraInstance=oracle instance SID (SID_NAME) example XE

Test the script


Configure the Sumo Logic Script Source

  1. In Sumo Logic, go to Manage Data > Collection > Collection.
  2. Find the name of the Installed Collector to which you'd like to add a Source. Click Add. Then choose Add Source from the pop-up menu.
  3. Select Script for the Source type. Collectors using version 19.245-4 and later do not allow Script Sources to run by default. To allow Script Sources you need to set the Collector parameter enableScriptSource in to true and restart the Collector.
    • For Name enter any name you like, for instance, Oracle Server Script.
    • The Description is optional.
    • For Source Category, enter the desired category. It can be any value you like, for example, DB/Oracle/DBQueryScript.
    • For Frequency, select desired frequency, for instance, 5 minutes.
    • For Specify a timeout for your command, select a value that is long enough that long-running queries can complete, for instance, 30 sec.
    • For Command, select Windows Script.
    • For Script, select Type a path to the script to execute, then enter: for instance oracle_script/sumooracle\
    • For Working Directory, enter: for instance oracle_script/sumooracle
    • Click Save.
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