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Sumo Logic Apps for Microsoft and Azure

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This guide has documentation for all of the apps that Sumo provides for Microsoft and Microsoft Azure.

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Active Directory JSON

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Active Directory JSON.

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Active Directory (Legacy)

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Active Directory (Legacy).

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Azure Active Directory

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Active Directory Azure.

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Azure Audit

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Azure Audit.

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Azure Integration with ARM FAQs

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Azure Integration with ARM FAQs.

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Azure Kubernetes Service Control Plane

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Azure Kubernetes Service Control Plane.

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Azure Network Watcher

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Azure Network Watcher.

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Azure SQL

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Azure SQL.

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Azure Web Apps

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Azure Web Apps.

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A guide to the Sumo Logic app for IIS 7.

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IIS 10 (Legacy)

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for IIS 10 Legacy.

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Microsoft Office Audit 365

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Microsoft Office Audit 365.

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Microsoft SQL Server

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Microsoft SQL Server.

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Microsoft Teams

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Microsoft Teams.

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PCI Compliance for Windows Legacy

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for PCI Compliance for Windows Legacy.

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PCI Compliance for Windows JSON

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for PCI Compliance for Windows JSON.

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Windows JSON

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Windows JSON.

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Windows Legacy

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Windows Legacy.

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Windows Performance

A guide to the Sumo Logic app for Windows Performance.

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