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Upload Logs to an HTTP Source

After you have added an HTTP Logs and Metrics Source to a Hosted Collector you can begin uploading data. You can upload both logs and metrics to the same HTTP source, however not in the same HTTP request. This document provides instructions on uploading logs, if you are uploading metrics see Upload Metrics to an HTTP Source.


To immediately validate the reception of log data use Live Tail. Data sent to an HTTP source may take some time to show up in Search due to indexing delay. If your source does not seem to be receiving data, see Troubleshooting HTTP Sources.

Upload log data


Data needs to be in UTF-8 encoding.

Upload log data with a POST Request

To upload log data with a POST request, include the complete data payload as the request body. Any query parameters will be ignored.


We recommend that the POST data payload have a size, before compression, of 100KB to 1MB. See data payload considerations for details.

  • Data payload:
    • Data line 1
    • Data line 2
    • Data line 3
  • Method: POST
  • URL: https://[SumoEndpoint]/receiver/v1/http/[UniqueHTTPCollectorCode] where
    • [SumoEndpoint] is your Sumo collection endpoint
    • [UniqueHTTPCollectorCode] is the string that follows the last forward slash (/) in the upload URL for the HTTP source
  • Body
    • Data line 1
    • Data line 2
    • Data line 3

Supported HTTP Headers

The following parameters can be specified via headers when sending data to an HTTP Source. The settings will apply to all messages in the request. For Source Name, Host, and Category, the header value will override any default value already specified for the source and/or collector.

You can configure your Source to process HTTP Headers into metadata fields. See HTTP Source fields for details.


Overridden metadata field values are not returned with Search Autocomplete.

SettingHeader NameHeader Value
Compressed dataContent-EncodingValues can be either gzip or deflate
Required if you are uploading compressed data.
Custom Source NameX-Sumo-NameDesired source name.
Useful if you want to override the source name configured for the source.
Custom Source HostX-Sumo-HostDesired host name.
Useful if you want to override the source host configured for the source.
Custom Source CategoryX-Sumo-CategoryDesired source category.
Useful if you want to override the source category configured for the source.
Fields as custom metadataX-Sumo-FieldsFields need to be in a comma separated list of key-value pairs.

Command Line Examples


Data is ingested according to the configured processing rules. Messages blocked by filters will not be ingested.


When using cURL to POST data from a file: 

  • Make sure to use the -T parameter to specify the file path, not -d. The -d parameter causes new lines to be removed from the content, which will interfere with message boundary detection.
  • Make sure that each line in the file follows the format specified by the Content-Type header for the HTTP request.

POST upload

curl -v -X POST -T [local_file_name][UniqueHTTPCollectorCode]

POST upload (gzip compressed data) 

curl -v -X POST -H 'Content-Encoding:gzip' -T [local_file_name.gz][UniqueHTTPCollectorCode]

POST upload with custom Source Category

curl -v -X POST -H 'X-Sumo-Category:myNewCategory' -T [local_file_name][UniqueHTTPCollectorCode]

POST upload with custom Fields

curl -v -X POST -H 'X-Sumo-Fields:environment=dev,cluster=k8s' -T [local_file_name][UniqueHTTPCollectorCode]


POST upload

Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -InFile [local_file_name] '[UniqueHTTPCollectorCode]'

POST upload (gzip compressed data) 

Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Headers @{'Content-Encoding' = 'gzip'} -InFile [local_file_name.gz] '[UniqueHTTPCollectorCode]'

POST upload with custom Source Category

Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Headers @{'X-Sumo-Category' = 'myCustomCategory'} -InFile [local_file_name] '[UniqueHTTPCollectorCode]'

POST upload with custom Field

Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Headers @{'X-Sumo-Fields' = 'environment=dev'} -InFile [local_file_name] '[UniqueHTTPCollectorCode]'
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