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Google Cloud Firebase

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Firebase is Google's mobile development platform. For more details, refer to the GCP documentation

Log and metric types


You can collect the logs and metrics for Sumo Logic's Google Cloud Firebase integration by following the below steps.

Configure logs collection

  • Collect Audit Logs using the Google Cloud Platform source. For details on roles and permission required to access audit logs and for enabling the audit log for respective service, click on the service in the table below and refer section Permissions and roles and Enable audit logging respectively. You can also get the list of all the audited operations for the service in the section Audited operations. Following is a table listing the Firebase service along with the resource type and service to be used in Cloud Logging query to fetch audit logs.
Firebase ProductsResource TypeService Name
Cloud Storage for
Firebase Cloud
Firebase App
Firebase Security
Firebase Realtime
  • Collect Platform Logs using the Google Cloud Platform source. There are various platform logs which could be collected for Google Cloud Firebase. Here is a table listing these services with their respective resource type:
Firebase ServiceResource Type
Auth Projectfirebase_auth
Hosting Site Domainfirebase_domain
Realtime Databasefirebase_namespace
Releases for Firebase Rulesfirebaserules_release
Ruleset for Firebase Rulesfirebaserules_ruleset

Note that while creating the sync as part of the Choose logs to include in sink section, you can use the following query:

resource.type=<resource_type> resource.labels.service=<service_name>

Where resource_type can be replaced with resource type of respective firebase product to fetch platform logs. And to filter audit logs, resource_type can be replaced with "audited_resource" and service_name can be replaced with service name of respective firebase product. These queries can then be separated by an "or" condition.

Configure metrics collection

  • Collect GCP Metrics using the GCP Metric source. Under the Services dropdown, select Firebase. For Google Firebase metrics and dimensions, refer to Google Firebase metrics.
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