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ASN Lookup Search Operator

Sumo Logic can lookup an Autonomous System Number (ASN) and organization name by an IP address. Any IP addresses that do not have an ASN will return null values.


The ASN Lookup operator uses lookup-classic with a specific path, asn://default, to provide the ASN and associated organization.

lookup\<field\> from asn://default on ip\<ip_address\>
Lookup fieldsDescription
*Use a wildcard (*) character as a shortcut to return both fields.
asnAutonomous System Number
organizationThe name of the organization that owns the ASN or ID in some cases. This organization (Carrier) is responsible for the routing of traffic for network blocks.
registering_organizationThe organization responsible for the actions and content associated with a given block of IP addresses. Registering Organizations include many types of entities, including corporate, government, or educational entities, and ISPs managing the allocation and use of network blocks.
carrier_organizationThe name of the organization that owns the ASN or ID in some cases. This organization (Carrier) is responsible for the routing of traffic for network blocks.

The organization and carrier_organization lookup fields will have the same value because the carrier field is used to populate both the organization and carrier_organization values.


The following query references a data stream with IPv4 addresses, parses those IPv4 addresses, and then uses ASN Lookup to retrieve their autonomous system information. 

_dataTier=all _sourceCategory=stream "remote_ip="
| parse regex "(?<ip>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})"
| lookup organization, registering_organization, asn from asn://default on ip = ip
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