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Sumo Logic Collector Management APIs

The Collector Management API gives you the ability to manage Collectors and Sources from HTTP endpoints. See the topics below for Collector API and Source API methods and examples, as well as upgrading and downgrading Collectors using the API.


Collector Management APIs are not yet built with OpenAPI specifications and therefore not documented with the rest of the APIs. Instead, refer to the instructions below for details.


You need the Manage or View Collectors role capability to manage or view Collection configurations.

Before You Begin

See the following topics for additional information:

There is a community-supported script available on GitHub that allows you to conduct bulk actions to Collectors, see Collector Management Script.

Sumo Logic endpoints like are different in deployments outside us1. You need to specify your deployment in the endpoint. For example api.<strong>YOUR_DEPLOYMENT</strong> you would specify YOUR_DEPLOYMENT as either au, ca, de, eu, fed, in, jp, us1, or us2. For us1, use For the others, use, and so on. For more information, see Sumo Logic Endpoints.

Collector API Methods and Examples

The Collector Management API allows you to manage Collectors and Sources from an HTTP endpoint. This topic describes the Collector API parameters, methods, and lists error codes.

Rate limiting

  • A rate limit of four API requests per second (240 requests per minute) applies to all API calls from a user.
  • A rate limit of 10 concurrent requests to any API endpoint applies to an access key.

If a rate is exceeded, a rate limit exceeded 429 status code is returned.

Response fields

The following table lists the API response fields for installed and hosted Collectors.

aliveBooleanYesWhen a Collector is running it sends Sumo a heartbeat message every 15 seconds. If no heartbeat message is received after 30 minutes this becomes false.Transient
categoryStringNoNullThe Category of the Collector, used as metadata when searching data.Modifiable
collectorTypeStringThe Collector type: Installable or HostedNot modifiable
collectorVersionStringYesVersion of the Collector software installed.Transient
cutoffRelativeTimeStringNoCan be specified instead of cutoffTimestamp to provide a relative offset with respect to the current time. Example: use "-1h", "-1d", or "-1w" to collect data that's less than one hour, one day, or one week old, respectively.Not modifiable
cutoffTimestampLongNo0 (collects all data)Only collect data from files with a modified date more recent than this timestamp, specified as milliseconds since epochModifiable
descriptionStringNoNullDescription of the Collector.Modifiable
ephemeralBooleanYesWhen true, the collector will be deleted after 12 hours of inactivity. For more information, see Setting a Collector as Ephemeral.Modifiable
fieldsJSON ObjectNoJSON map of key-value fields (metadata) to apply to the Collector.

To assign an Ingest Budget to the Collector use the field _budget with the Field Value of the Ingest Budget to assign. For example, if you have a budget with a Field Value of Dev_20GB, you would add:

hostNameStringNoNullHost name of the Collector. The hostname can be a maximum of 128 characters.Modifiable
idLongYesIdentifierNot modifiable
lastSeenAliveLongNoThe last time the Sumo Logic service received an active heartbeat from the Collector, specified as milliseconds since epoch.Transient
nameStringYesName of the Collector. It must be unique on your account.Modifiable
sourceSyncModeStringNoUIFor installed Collectors, whether the Collector is using local source configuration management (using a JSON file), or cloud management (using the UI)Modifiable

To assign to JSON see Local Configuration File Management for Existing Collectors and Sources.

timeZoneStringNoNullTime zone of the Collector. For a list of possible values, refer to the "TZ" column in this Wikipedia article.Modifiable
targetCpuLongNoNullWhen CPU utilization exceeds this threshold, the Collector will slow down its rate of ingestion to lower its CPU utilization.

Currently only Local and Remote File Sources are supported.

The value must be expressed as a whole number percentage. The collector will adjust resources to attempt to limit the CPU usage to at most 20%.

For more information, see Set the Collector CPU Usage Target.


The following table lists additional response fields for Installed Collectors only.

osNameStringYesName of OS that Collector is installed on.Not modifiable
osVersionStringYesVersion of the OS that Collector is installed on.Not modifiable
osArchYesArchitecture of the OS that Collector is installed on.Not modifiable
osTimeLongYesTime that the Collector has been running, in milliseconds.Not modifiable

GET methods

List Collectors

Get a list of Collectors with an optional limit and offset.

Method: GET Path: /collectors

filterStringNoAll CollectorsFilter the Collectors returned using one of the available filter types:installed, hosted, dead, or alive.
limitIntegerNo1000Max number of Collectors to return.
offsetIntegerNo0Offset into the list of Collectors.


In this example, setting limit=10 limits the responses to 10.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X GET


"description":"Local Windows Collection",
"osName":"Windows 7",

List Offline Collectors

Get a list of Installed Collectors last seen alive before a specified number of days with an optional limit and offset.

Method: GET Path: /collectors/offline

aliveBeforeDaysIntegerNo100Minimum number of days the Collectors have been offline.

Must be at least 1 day.

limitIntegerNo1000Max number of Collectors to return.
offsetIntegerNo0Offset into the list of Collectors.


In this example, setting aliveBeforeDays=10 returns a list of Installed Collectors that have been offline for at least 10 days.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X GET


"name":"My Installed Collector",
"osName":"Mac OS X",

Get Collector by ID

Get the Collector with the specified Identifier.

Method: GET Path: /collectors/[id]

idIntegerYesNAUnique identifier of the Collector.



This example gets the Collector with an ID of 25.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X GET



Get Collector by Name


Method: GET Path: /collectors/name/[name]

nameStringYesNAName of the Collector.



  • Names with special characters are not supported, such as ; / % \ even if they are URL encoded.
  • Spaces in names are supported when they are URL encoded. A space character URL encoded is %20. For example, a Collector named Staging Area would be encoded as
  • Names with a period . need to have a trailing forward slash / at the end of the request URL. For example, a Collector named Staging.Area should be provided as



This example gets the Collector with the name test.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X GET



POST methods


Create Hosted Collector


Use the POST method with a JSON file to create a new Hosted Collector. The required parameters can be referenced in the Response fields table above. Note that "id" field should be omitted when creating a new Hosted Collector.

21 This method can only be used to create Hosted Collectors. You must install a Collector manually to create an Installed Collector.

Method: POST Path: /collectors



This example creates a new Hosted Collector using the parameters in the JSON file.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -T hosted_collector.json

Request JSON (hosted_collector.json):

"name":"My Hosted Collector",
"description":"An example Hosted Collector",
"category":"HTTP Collection",
"fields": {


"name":"My Hosted Collector",
"description":"An example Hosted Collector",
"category":"HTTP Collection",

PUT methods


Update a Collector


Use the PUT method with your JSON file to update an existing Collector. Available parameters can be referenced in the Response fields table above. The JSON request file must specify values for all required fields. Not modifiable fields must match their current values in the system. This is in accordance with HTTP 1.1 RFC-2616 Section 9.6.

Updating a Collector also requires the "If-Match" header to be specified with the "ETag" provided in the headers of a previous GET request.

Method: PUT Path: /collectors/[id]

idIntegerYesNAID of the Collector.



This example changes the Collector to set the parameter "ephemeral" to true.

First, use a GET request with -v flag to obtain the "ETag" header value.

Initial GET Request:

curl -v -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X GET

Initial GET Response:

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< ETag: "f58d12c6986f80d6ca25ed8a3943daa9"
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Next, modify the Collector's JSON attributes as needed (in this example, setting "ephemeral" to "true"), and use a PUT request, passing the "ETag" value obtained above with the "If-Match" header.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "If-Match: \"f58d12c6986f80d6ca25ed8a3943daa9\"" -T updated_collector.json

Request JSON (updated_collector.json):




DELETE methods


Delete Collector by ID


Use the DELETE method to delete an existing Collector.

Method: DELETE Path: /collectors/[id]

idIntegerYesNAUnique identifier of the Collector.

This example deletes the Collector with ID 15.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X DELETE

Response: There will be no response body, only a 200 OK response code.

Delete Offline Collectors


Delete Installed Collectors last seen alive before a specified number of days.

Method: DELETE Path: /collectors/offline

aliveBeforeDaysIntegerNo100The minimum number of days the Collectors have been offline.

Must be at least 1 day.



In this example, setting aliveBeforeDays=10 deletes all the Installed Collectors that have been offline for at least 10 days.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X DELETE


There will be no response body, only a 200 OK response with the message "The delete task has been initiated.". To check the status make GET requests and see if the Collectors have been deleted.

Error Codes and Messages

BadRequestCollectorIdRequest body contains an invalid Collector ID.
CannotModifyCollectorUser is not authorized to modify the specified Collector.
CollectorDescriptionTooLongMaximum description length is 1024 characters.
CollectorNameTooLongMaximum name length is 128 characters.
createValidationErrorThe specified ID is invalid.
DuplicateResourceNameA resource with the same name already exists.
InvalidCollectorThe specified Collector ID is invalid.
InvalidCollectorTypeInvalid Collector type for the requested operation.

Source API Methods and Examples

The Collector Management API allows you to manage Collectors and Sources from an HTTP endpoint. This topic describes the Source API methods, which you can use to create installed or hosted Sources of any type by specifying the sourceType parameter. When using local configuration file management you can no longer manage Sources through the Collector Management API.

You cannot use the Source API to create Microsoft Office 365 sources, Google Audit sources, or any other sources that require OAuth-based authentication with another vendor.

Rate limiting

  • A rate limit of four API requests per second (240 requests per minute) applies to all API calls from a user.
  • A rate limit of 10 concurrent requests to any API endpoint applies to an access key.

If a rate is exceeded, a rate limit exceeded 429 status code is returned.

Response fields

See Use JSON to Configure Sources for a description of Source parameters.

GET methods

List Sources

Gets information about all Sources for a specified Collector.

Method: GET Path: /collectors/[collectorId]/sources

collectorIdintegerYesNAUnique Collector identifier.
downloadbooleanNofalseWhen set to true, the response will be a JSON array of Sources that can be used to register a new Collector.


This example gets all Sources for a Collector.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X GET



This example gets a ready-to-go JSON configuration of the Sources of a Collector, which can be used to register a new Collector.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X GET


"api.version": "v1",

Get Source by ID


Gets information about a specified Collector and Source.

Method: GET Path: /collectors/[collectorId]/sources/[sourceId]

collectorIdintegerYesNAUnique Collector identifier.
sourceIdintegerYesNAUnique Source identifier.
downloadbooleanNofalseWhen set to true, the response will be a JSON Source object that can be used to create a new Source.



This example gets data for a Source with a specified ID.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X GET



This example gets a ready-to-go JSON configuration of a Source with a specified ID, which can be used when managing a folder of multiple sources, or uploading a new source via the API.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X GET


"api.version": "v1",

POST methods


Create Source


Creates a new Source for a Collector. See Use JSON to Configure Sources for required fields for the request JSON file.

Method: POST Path: /collectors/[collectorId]/sources

collectorIdintegerYesNAUnique Collector identifier.

47 POST creates a single Source per request.



This example creates a new Host Metrics Source on Collector with ID 10 using the parameters in the JSON file.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -T host_metrics.json

Request JSON (host_metrics.json):



"source": {
"id": 101833059,
"name": "Host_Metrics",
"hostName": "my_host",
"automaticDateParsing": true,
"multilineProcessingEnabled": true,
"useAutolineMatching": true,
"contentType": "HostMetrics",
"forceTimeZone": false,
"filters": [
"filterType": "Exclude",
"name": "Filter keyword",
"regexp": "(?s).*EventCode = (?:700|701).*Logfile = \"Directory Service\".*(?s)"
"cutoffTimestamp": 0,
"encoding": "UTF-8",
"interval": 60000,
"metrics": [
"sourceType": "SystemStats",
"alive": true

Note that the filter value shown above is an example for excluding a keyword. Filter values are specified to do batch edits to Processing Rules for Sources. For details on the different types of filters available, see Creating Processing Rules Using a JSON File.

PUT methods


Update Source


Updates an existing source. All modifiable fields must be provided, and all not modifiable fields must match those existing in the system.

52 You need to include the id parameter in your JSON file.

Updating a Source also requires the "If-Match" header to be specified with the "ETag" provided in the headers of a previous GET request.

Method: PUT Path: /collectors/[collectorId]/sources/[sourceId]

collectorIdintegerYesNAUnique Collector identifier.
sourceIdintegerYesNAUnique Source identifier.



This example updates the Host Metrics Source created in the previous example with "interval" = 15000.

First, use a GET request with -v flag to obtain the "ETag" header value.

Initial GET Request:

curl -v -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X GET

Initial GET Response:

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< ETag: "5f6bbe49f8b5a19dd43c806411225a5f"

Next, modify the Source's JSON attributes as needed (in this example, setting "interval" to "15000"), and use a PUT request, passing the "ETag" value obtained above with the "If-Match" header.


curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "If-Match: \"5f6bbe49f8b5a19dd43c806411225a5f\"" -T updated_host_metrics.json

Request JSON (updated_host_metrics.json)

"source": {
"id": 101833059,
"name": "Host_Metrics",
"hostName": "my_host",
"automaticDateParsing": true,
"multilineProcessingEnabled": true,
"useAutolineMatching": true,
"contentType": "HostMetrics",
"forceTimeZone": false,
"filters": [
"filterType": "Exclude",
"name": "Filter keyword",
"regexp": "(?s).*EventCode = (?:700|701).*Logfile = \"Directory Service\".*(?s)"
"cutoffTimestamp": 0,
"encoding": "UTF-8",
"interval": 15000,
"metrics": [
"sourceType": "SystemStats",
"alive": true

Note that the filter value shown above is an example for excluding a keyword. Filter values are specified to do batch edits to Processing Rules for Sources. For details on the different types of filters available, see Creating Processing Rules Using a JSON File.


"source": {
"id": 101833059,
"name": "Host_Metrics",
"hostName": "my_host",
"automaticDateParsing": true,
"multilineProcessingEnabled": true,
"useAutolineMatching": true,
"contentType": "HostMetrics",
"forceTimeZone": false,
"filters": [
"filterType": "Exclude",
"name": "Filter keyword",
"regexp": "(?s).*EventCode = (?:700|701).*Logfile = \"Directory Service\".*(?s)"
"cutoffTimestamp": 0,
"encoding": "UTF-8",
"interval": 15000,
"metrics": [
"sourceType": "SystemStats",
"alive": true

DELETE methods

Delete Source

Deletes the specified Source from the specified Collector.

Requests to delete Sources from the Cloud-to-Cloud Integration Framework are asynchronous. When you delete the Source it is placed in a Stopping state, when it has successfully stopped it is deleted from your Hosted Collector. Use a GET request to track the Source's state.

Method: DELETE Path: /collectors/[collectorId]/sources/[sourceId]

collectorIdintegerYesNAUnique Collector identifier.
sourceIdintegerYesNAUnique Source identifier.



This example deletes a Source.

curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X DELETE

Response: There will be no response body, only a 200 OK response code.

Error Codes and Messages for Source API

BadRequestBladeIdRequest body contains an invalid Source ID.
CannotModifySourcesCollector is in JSON mode, user cannot create, delete, or update sources using the API.
CollectorDescriptionTooLongMaximum description length is 1024 characters.
CollectorNameTooLongMaximum name length is 128 characters.
createValidationErrorThe specified ID is invalid.
DuplicateResourceNameA resource with the same name already exists.
EmptySourceTypeNeed to specify a source type.
InvalidSourceTypeInvalid Source type for the requested operation.

Upgrade or Downgrade Collectors Using the API

View and manage the software versions of your Installed Collectors through HTTP endpoints. Use these HTTP endpoints to upgrade or downgrade Collectors. We recommend you follow our best practices when you upgrade your Collectors.

The upgrade may automatically be done in increments. In this case, you may experience longer upgrade times.

There is a community-supported script available on GitHub that allows you to conduct bulk actions to Collectors, see Collector Management Script.


If an upgrade task does not complete successfully after 30 minutes it will automatically timeout with a status of failed.

Get upgradable Collectors

Sends a request to get Collectors you can upgrade.

Method: GET

Path: collectors/upgrades/collectors

Request Headers


Query Parameters

toVersionStringNoLatest VersionCollector build to upgrade (or downgrade) to. If not specified, upgrades to the latest version.
offsetIntNo0Offset into the list of Collectors.
limitIntNo50Maximum number of Collectors to return.

Status Code

200OKUpgradable Collectors were retrieved and provided in the response payload.
415Unsupported Media TypeContent-Type wasn't set to application/json.
400Bad RequestA parameter wasn't valid.

Success Result

A JSON document containing the upgradable collectors.

Sample Session

Sample request:

curl -i -u "<accessId>:<accessKey>" -X GET

Sample response:

"collectors": [
"id": 100000000,
"name": "SumoCollector_Local",
"hostName": "TestHost",
"timeZone": "UTC",
"links": [
"rel": "sources",
"href": "/v1/collectors/100000000/sources"
"ephemeral": false,
"sourceSyncMode": "UI",
"collectorType": "Installable",
"collectorVersion": "20.1-2749",
"osVersion": "10.11.5",
"osName": "Mac OS X",
"osArch": "x86_64",
"lastSeenAlive": 1465848876035,
"alive": true

Get available builds


Method: GET

Path: /collectors/upgrades/targets

Request Headers


Query Parameters


Status Code

200OKThe build information has been returned in the response payload.
415Unsupported Media TypeContent-Type wasn't set to application/json.

Success Result

A JSON document containing the versions of collector builds, which includes the following fields

version(string) Version of the collector build.
latest(boolean) Whether it's the latest version.

Sample Session

Sample request:

curl -i -u "<accessId>:<accessKey>" -X GET

Sample response:

"targets": [
"version": "19.115-37",
"latest": false
"version": "20.1-2749",
"latest": true

Create an upgrade or downgrade task


Method: POST

Path: /collectors/upgrades

Request Headers


Query Parameters


JSON Payload Parameters

collectorIdLongYesIdentifier of the Collector to upgrade (or downgrade).
toVersionStringNoLatest versionCollector build to upgrade (or downgrade) to. If not specified, upgrades to the latest version.

Status Code

202AcceptedThe upgrade task has been created successfully.
415Unsupported Media TypeContent-Type wasn't set to application/json.
400Bad RequestGeneric request error by the client.

Success Result

With success, a JSON document is returned containing the ID and link of the newly created upgrade task. This is an opaque string to use for following upgrade status checking API.

Error Result

A status code 400 will be returned with following error codes.

collector.invalidThe Collector ID was not provided, doesn't exist, or the user doesn't have permission to use it.
collector.type.invalidThe Collector is not an Installed Collector (it is a Hosted Collector).
collector.not.aliveThe Collector is not running. Collector is currently being upgraded.
collector.version.invalidThe upgrade version was not provided, or the version is not valid.

Sample Session

Sample request:

curl -i -u "<accessId>:<accessKey>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"collectorId":100000000,"toVersion":"19.152-1"}'

Sample response:

"id": "12345",
"link": {
"rel": "self",
"href": "/v1/collectors/upgrades/12345"

Get upgrade task status

After obtaining the upgrade job ID, you can obtain the status of the upgrade task from the status endpoint.

Method: GET

Path: /collectors/upgrades/<upgradeTaskID>

Request Headers


Query Parameters

upgradeTaskIDLongYesTask ID from the upgrade task.

Status Code

200OKThe upgrade task status has been returned in the response.
415Unsupported Media TypeContent-Type wasn't set to application/json.
404Not foundThe upgrade task ID was not found.

Success Result

A success result generates a JSON document containing the upgrade task status, including the following fields.

collectorIdCollector ID of this upgrade task (long).
toVersionTarget version of this upgrade task (string).
requestedTimeUNIX timestamp when the upgrade task is requested (long).
statusStatus code for the upgrade task (integer):

0 - not started

1 - pending, the upgrade is issued awaiting a response from the Collector.

2 - succeeded

3 - failed

6 - Progressing, the upgrade is running on the Collector.

messageAny additional message, normally a failed reason (string).

Sample session

Sample request:

curl -i -u "<accessId>:<accessKey>" -X GET

Sample response:

"upgrade": {
"id": 12345,
"collectorId": 100000000,
"toVersion": "19.152-1",
"requestTime": 1465855411044,
"status": 2,
"message": ""
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