App Development
Sumo provides apps for platforms and tools that support software development processes, including software development platforms, automation tools, and issue tracking systems. This guide has documentation for those Sumo apps.
📄️ Bitbucket
The Sumo Logic App for Bitbucket provides insights into project management to more effectively plan the deployments. It helps you to understand the state of deployment, builds and the issues associated with it.
📄️ GitHub
Connects to your GitHub repository at the Organization or Repository level, and ingests GitHub events through a webhook.
📄️ GitLab
Provides you a complete overview of your GitLab’s builds, deployments, pipelines, issues, merge requests, and commits.
📄️ Jenkins
The Sumo Logic App for Jenkins helps you monitor build successes, failures, and performance, ensuring that you know—before committing code to the repository—whether the code will work.
📄️ JFrog Artifactory
Provides insight into your JFrog Artifactory binary repository.
📄️ JFrog Xray
Page notifications Off Share The JFrog Xray app provides visibility into the state of artifacts and components in your JFrog Artifactory repository.
📄️ Jira
The Sumo Logic App for Jira provides insight into Jira user access, request activity, issues, security, sprint events, and user events.
📄️ Jira Cloud
The Sumo Logic App for Jira Cloud provides insights into project management issues that enable you to more effectively plan, assign, track, report, and manage work across multiple teams.
📄️ JMX
The Sumo Logic App for Java Management Extensions (JMX) allows you to analyze and gain insights about Java applications.
📄️ Puppet
The Sumo Logic App for Puppet helps you monitor Puppet metrics and events.