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Sumo Logic App for UEBA Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics

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The Sumo Logic UEBA (User and Entity Behavior Analytics) app monitors baseline user and entity behavior and reports on any unusual patterns detected. The UEBA app leverages several machine learning algorithms and statistical analysis models to establish normal behavior or patterns and detects anomalies within your environment. Each dashboard in this app takes a different lens on your security data, from UEBA Signals fired to User and Entity centric views of events that truly identify potential and real threats.


This app requires access to Cloud SIEM Enterprise (CSE).

Installing the UEBA App

Install the Sumo Logic App to use the preconfigured searches and dashboards.

To install the app, do the following:

  1. In the App Catalog, search for "UEBA" and select the UEBA app.
  2. Click Add to Library.
  3. To save the app to a new folder in your personal folder, click +New Folder and select a name and location for your folder.
  4. Click Add to Library to install the app. A confirmation dialog will appear and then you can start viewing your dashboards.

Viewing UEBA Security Dashboards

UEBA - User

The Users dashboard displays information about the behavior of users. It displays the devices they typically interact with and the times of day that they log into those devices. The dashboard can be focused onto a particular user or group of users by entering a match expression in the User field at the top of the dashboard. Matching users are shown in the Users panel.


UEBA - Signals

The Signals dashboard displays a brief summary of the behavioral anomalies the app has detected. The Summary field shows the users or devices involved, the typical data range, and the observed data range. The Confidence field is expressed as a percentage and shows how strongly this finding is supported by evidence.

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