AWS Observability integrations
These topics have information about the AWS Observability Solution apps.
In this section, we'll introduce the following concepts:
📄️ AWS API Gateway
The AWS API Gateway ULM app provides insights into API calls, including traffic management, CORS support, authorization and access control, throttling, monitoring, and API version management.
📄️ AWS Application Load Balancer
Gain visibility into the health of the Application Load Balancer and target groups in your AWS environment. Use the preconfigured dashboards to understand the latency, request and host status, threat intel, and HTTP backend codes by availability zone and target group.
📄️ AWS Classic Load Balancer
The Sumo Logic App for AWS Observability Classic Load Balancer is a unified logs and metrics (ULM) App that gives you visibility into the health of your Classic Load Balancer.
📄️ AWS DynamoDB
The Sumo App for AWS Observability DynamoDB is a unified logs and metrics (ULM) App that provides operational insights into DynamoDB instances across your infrastructure.
📄️ AWS EC2 Metrics
The Sumo Logic App for AWS EC2 allows you to display and gain insight about your EC2 instance metrics (CloudWatch) for cpu, disk, network, EBS and Health Status Check.
📄️ AWS EC2 Host Metrics
The Sumo Logic App for AWS EC2 Host Metrics allows you to collect local host metrics and display them using predefined search queries and dashboards.
📄️ AWS Lambda
The Sumo Logic AWS Observability Lambda integration utilizes Lambda Logs and Metrics from CloudWatch, as well as CloudTrail Lambda Data Events.
📄️ AWS Network Load Balancer
The Sumo Logic Observability integration for AWS Network Load Balancer provides insights to ensure that your network load-balancers are operating as expected, backend hosts are healthy and to quickly identify errors.
📄️ AWS RDS Metrics
The Sumo Logic App for AWS Observability RDS Metrics provides visibility into your Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) metrics collected with a CloudWatch metrics source.
📄️ Amazon ECS
With Sumo Logic dashboards for Amazon ECS, you can monitor capacity and resource utilization of ECS components as well as quickly identify changes made to your clusters to help with troubleshooting.
📄️ Amazon ElastiCache
The Sumo Logic Observability integration for Amazon ElastiCache provides visibility into key event and performance analytics that enable proactive diagnosis and response to system and environment issues.
📄️ Amazon SNS
The Sumo Logic App for Amazon SNS collects CloudTrail logs and CloudWatch metrics that provides insight into the operations and utilization of your SNS service.