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September 19, 2022 - Content Release


  • [Deleted] CHAIN-S00009 Proofpoint TAP Click Permitted Followed by Successful Request

Log Mappers

  • [New] Wiz Catch All
  • [Updated] Orca Security Parser - Catch All


  • [New] cloud_provider
  • [New] cloud_region
  • [New] cloud_service
  • [New] cloud_zone
  • [New] device_container_id
  • [New] device_container_name
  • [New] device_container_runtime
  • [New] device_image
  • [New] device_type
  • [New] dstDevice_container_id
  • [New] dstDevice_container_name
  • [New] dstDevice_container_runtime
  • [New] dstDevice_image
  • [New] dstDevice_type
  • [New] resourceType
  • [New] srcDevice_container_id
  • [New] srcDevice_container_name
  • [New] srcDevice_container_runtime
  • [New] srcDevice_image
  • [New] srcDevice_type
  • [Updated] dstDevice_uniqueId
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