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July 15, 2022 (Apps)

Update - The Sumo Logic AWS Lambda App uses the Lambda logs via CloudWatch, CloudWatch Metrics, and the CloudTrail Lambda Data Events to visualize the operational and performance trends in all the Lambda functions in your account. The preconfigured dashboards provide insights into executions, memory and duration usage by function versions or aliases, errors, billed duration, function callers, IAM users, and threat details. This app is updated from the AWS observability solution in the App Catalog. Updates include new Dashboards for Request, Error, Resource Usage, and Performance Analysis. Also, it includes a new Dashboard for analyzing Threat Intel.

New - The Sumo Logic App for AWS Network Load Balancer (that is a load balancer working on 4 layer of OSI model) is using metrics to provide insights to ensure that your network load-balancers are operating as expected, backend hosts are healthy and to quickly identify errors.

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