New - We're thrilled to announce our new Observability feature, Reliability Management, a foundational capability that helps you define, monitor and manage your modern app stacks to Service Level Objectives (SLOs). Managing SLOs is key to ensuring that modern app stacks are performing reliably for end users. SLOs also help you focus on measuring what matters for their end user’s digital experiences. As a result, they can streamline Observability by minimizing the monitoring and alert chaos that exists in many organizations. Benefits include:
- Simple experience for Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) and developers to define and monitor even their most complex SLOs
- Full-featured SLOs that can model any SRE requirement and leverage logs, metrics, and tracing telemetry
- Automation through Terraform, allowing developers and SREs to templatize, operationalize and manage SLOs as code
- SLO data available as log messages enabling customers to extend existing dashboards to feature SLO data or build proprietary dashboard experiences
See our Reliability Management docs for more information.
Update - we've increased data retention for Trace queries from 7 to 15 days, allowing for more time to search, filter, and diagnose recent issues. This 15-day extension comes at no additional cost. For more information, see Viewing and Investigating Traces.