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Real User Monitoring


New - we're happy to share extended coverage for Real User Monitoring (RUM), our solution that provides insight into your users' end-to-end browser experience interacting with your web apps. New RUM capabilities include:

  • New dashboard panels for the following metrics:
    • XHR timing
    • longtask delays (browser freezes)
    • Core Web Vitals KPIs
    • Geolocation
  • Single-page app support:
    • Monitoring of XHR calls and navigation/route changes
    • XHR performance and availability metrics
    • New specific Action names for XHR actions ("Click on [button] on [page]") and single-page app navigation/route change actions ("Route to [page]")
  • New Explore tree levels for three new action types: document loads, XHR actions and route changes
  • Browsers errors (e.g., unhandled errors/rejections, failed resources, console errors) are now captured automatically and populated in the _index=sumologic_rum_errors log index and dashboards
    • Browser errors ingest volume is now added to your Continuous tiers budgets and credits consumption.

This new functionality requires RUM script in version 4 or higher ( Please ensure you are using the correct version in your pages. For automatic updates, use

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