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Parse Delimited Logs Using Split

The split operator allows you to split strings into multiple strings, and parse delimited log entries, such as space-delimited formats.

To parse log entries from CSV files, you can use the simpler CSV operator.


Extract fields using the index:

  • split <field> extract 1 as <A>, 2 as <B>, 5 as <E>, 6 as <F>

Extract fields using position:

  • split <field> extract <A>, <B>, _, _, <E>, <F>

Use an underscore _ to skip the position.

Mix positional and index-based:

  • split <field> extract <A>, <B>, 5 as <E>, <F>

Specify a delimiter, escape, and quote character:

  • split <field> escape='\', delim=':', quote=''' extract <A>, <B>, _, _, <E>, <F>


  • By default, the Split operator uses a comma (,) for a delimiter, backlash (\) for an escape character, and (") quote for a quote character, though you can define your own if you like.
  • If you define your own escape, delimiter, or quote characters, they must all be different and be a single character matching the Java regular expression [\s\S].
  • A field to extract from is always required. To extract from your original message use the _raw metadata field.


Parsing a colon delimited file

For example, if you had a file with the following colon delimited log message:

[05/09/2014 09:39:990] INFO
"Upload Complete - Your message has been uploaded successfully."

You could parse the fields using the following query:

| parse "] * *" as log_level, split_field
| split split_field delim=':' extract 1 as user, 2 as account_id, 3 as session_id, 4 as result

which produces results such as:

split example colon

In another example, you'd use the following query:

| split _raw delim=':' extract 1 as user2, 2 as id, 3 as name

which provides results like:

split example

Parsing a CSV file

Use the following query to extract comma delimited fields as specified:

| split _raw delim=',' extract 1 as user2, 2 as id, 3 as name

which produces results such as:

splt example

Parsing a tab delimited file

Use this query to extract fields from a tab delimited log file. 

You have to manually specify the tab character for the delim value.

| split _raw delim='    ' extract 1 as Column1, 2 as dlpeng, 3 as cat

which produces this result:


Alternatively, you can use the parse operator to extract fields from a tab delimited log file. The following query produces the same result as the previous query.

_sourceCategory=sumo/zscaler  | parse "*\t*\t*\t" as Column1,dpleng,cat