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Sumo Logic Docs

Get Started with Sumo

Get Started with Sumo

Create visualizations, notifications, and alerts for your applications.

Dashboards and Visuals

Dashboards and Visuals

Create visualizations, notifications, and alerts for your applications.

Manage Sumo

Manage Sumo

Manage advanced and admin features for Sumo Logic.

Searches & Logs

Searches & Logs

Query and analyze log data sent to Sumo Logic, Search Language, LogReduce, LogExplain, and more.

Metrics and Logs

Metrics and Logs

Review numeric performance and activity data collected to monitor, troubleshoot, and identify root causes.

Application Performance Monitoring

Application Performance Monitoring

Monitor user activity, traces data, and service maps to investigate usage and issues.



Deploy and configure solutions to monitor applications and analyze root causes.



Find, install, and configure integrations with third party applications and services.