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Contributing to Sumo

We welcome contributions for updates, new documentation, tutorials, and more for the Sumo Logic Documentation site.

This guide provides information on our markdown, creating files, adding them to the navigation sidebar, templates, and more.

Additional content will be added as needed. You can also learn more in our GitHub Wiki and Repository.

Open Source Content

Sumo Logic Documentation is an Open Source project available as a GitHub repository: You can clone the files to your local machine, make changes in a branch, and push a pull request for review and merging to the site. Or click Edit this Page on any page to directly update and submit changes through the GitHub repo website.

GitHub Account

You must have a GitHub account to contribute to documentation. All Sumo Logic employees and GitHub members can submit changes as needed. All other users can contribute and accept a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) for PR review and approval.

Clone the Repository

Another option is to clone the GitHub repository and edit locally. This is common for developers, working with GitHub tools, Git commands, and code editors like VSCode or Atom.

Fork and clone

Working with Github during ALPHA

Fork will be for the future and Third Parties. For now, clone and branch to work.

  1. Fork the sumologic-documentation repository. Remember to sync your fork and update branches as needed.
  2. Review documentation guidelines.

Create and push a branch

  1. Create a new branch from your cloned repo/fork using a name that best describes the work or references a GitHub issue number. For example: lk-tracing-update or lk-apps-gitlab

  2. Edit or create markdown (.md) files in your branch. See Create a Document and Markdown Features for more info.

  3. Commit your changes to the branch with a meaningful message.

    pull request

  4. Push your branch to the repo/fork.

Create a pull request

Doc team members will review and approve your contributions using GitHub.

  1. Visit GitHub after pushing your branch. You may see an option to Compare & Pull Request for your branch.


    Otherwise, create a new pull request.

    1. Select main for the base branch. Select your branch for the compare.
    2. Click Create Pull Request.
  2. On the Pull Request page, enter the following:

    • Make sure base branch is main and compare branch is the one you pushed.
    • Enter a title for the PR.
    • Include an issue number from GitHub or Jira, etc.
    • Describe what changed, new pages, updates.
  3. Click Create Pull Request.

pull request

GitHub will generate a pull request for review. Doc team members will review, provide feedback, and approve. When approved, the Doc team will merge and update staging. Updates to production will be handled by the Doc team.

If new to GitHub and writing Markdown documentation, we recommend using the following applications:

  • GitHub Desktop - Easy to use interface to update your local machine clone, create branches, push to GitHub and more.

  • VS Code - Development application to open the repo, edit and create files, and preview pages as you write. We recommend the following extensions:

    • Markdown All in One
    • Markdown Preview GitHub Styling
    • Markdown Preview Enhanced
    • Markdown Preview Mermaid and Mermaid Markdwn Syntax Highlighting for charts and graphs
  • iTerm2 - Terminal application for MacOS. You can also install Oh My Zsh for theming.