
Log Search Audit Index

The Search Audit Index is populated with log messages and the message contains search usage and activities for your account. You can query the search audit index just like any other message using the Sumo Logic search page.

Query the Log Search Audit Index

  1. In the Search page, enter the query _index=sumologic_search_usage_per_query.
  2. Choose the time range for the audit events you’d like to review.
  3. Click Start to run the search. Results return in the Messages tab.

Querying the index returns results only if the index is enabled.

Log Search Audit Index Message Fields

The following table provides details on the fields returned by the index:

Field Description
timeThe time when the audit log was generated.
analytics_tierThe data tier associated with the audit message. Learn more about Data Tiers.*
data_retreived_bytesAmount of data retrieved by the search query. This represents the approximate size of messages that match the source expression of the query and are retrieved from scanning.
data_scanned_bytesAmount of data scanned by the search query. This is an approximation as scanned message bytes are captured at intermittent time intervals and averaged over a query time range. (May be less than retrieved bytes in some cases due to this approximation)
execution_duration_msTime taken to complete the search.
is_aggregateThe boolean variable that indicates if the corresponding search query was an aggregate query. The aggregate operator’s list can be found here.
queryThe query text string run by the user.
query_end_timeThe end time in the time range specified as part of the query time parameter. (in ms epoch)
query_start_timeThe start time in the time range specified as part of the query time parameter. (in ms epoch)
query_typeIdentifies the type of query run within the account such as API, UI, Scheduled Views, etc. The values and their detailed description are provided in the next section.
remote_ipThe remote IP of the source from where the query originated.
retrieved_message_countThe number of messages returned by the search result. This represents the approximate count of messages that match the source expression of the query and are retrieved from scanning.
scanned_message_countThe number of messages scanned by the search. This is an approximation, as scanned_message_ count is captured at intermittent time intervals and averaged over a query time range. (May be less than retrieved_message_count in some cases due to this approximation.)
scanned_partition_countThe number of partitions scanned by the search. This is an approximation as scanned message bytes are captured at intermittent time intervals and averaged over a query time range. (May be less than retrieved bytes in some cases due to this approximation)
session_idAn identifier for every search run within the account. This is the same SESSION number displayed in the UI in the search tab.
status_messageIt gives the Status of the search. The values include: Finished successfully, Query failed, and Query canceled.
user_nameThe email of the user that ran the search.

Query Type Field Values 

The table below shows the possible values for the field, query_type.

query_type valueDescription
Search APISearch queries run by users using the Sumo Search Job API only.
Interactive SearchSearch queries run from the Search tab in the UI only.
Interactive DashboardSearch queries run from dashboards in the UI only.
Scheduled SearchScheduled search queries run as per the frequency specified by users in the org.
View MaintenanceScheduled View queries run on behalf of the users in the org.
Sumo InternalThe Internal searches Sumo runs in the background that are critical in providing other services (For example, autocomplete, scheduled view optimization, etc.)
Live DashboardSearch queries used to power live dashboard panels.
CompareSearch queries that are run as part of the logreduce operator or compare timeshift operators in the search query. The corresponding parent search query can be identified by the same session_id.
SubquerySubqueries are run as a separate search and corresponding attributes are captured in the Search Audit Index. The corresponding parent search query can be identified by the same session_id.
MonitorQueries associated with monitors.

Index retention period

By default, the retention period of the Log Search Audit index is the same as the retention period of your Default Continuous Partition. You can change the retention period by editing the partition that contains the index, sumologic_search_usage_per_query. For more information, see Edit a Partition.