
Search from the Field Browser

Depending on the type of field you want to drill down into, you can run searches in two ways:

  • Drill down searches. Depending on if the field contains a string or numerical value, there are default drill down searches that you can run by simply clicking the name of the search.
  • Histogram. Clicking a value in the histogram runs a new search on that value.

About histograms

The histogram shows the top ten values (by percentage) of a field. If there are fewer than ten values returned you'll see fewer than ten values. 

Searches for numerical fields

When you click a numerical field the average, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation values are displayed in addition to the top ten values by percentage. Click one of the DRILLDOWN search options at the bottom of the pane to start a new search.

field browser number.png

Searches for fields containing strings

The histogram shows the top ten values by percentage. Click one of the DRILLDOWN search options at the bottom of the pane to start a new search.

String values in Field Browser.png

Launching a search from the Field Browser

The drill down searches can be launched with just a click, opening a new search tab.

To launch a drill down search from the Field Browser:

  1. Run a search.
  2. In the Field Browser column, click a field.
  3. Click one of the DRILLDOWN search options at the bottom of the pane. A new search is created.