
Increase Collector Memory

Collectors are set to use 128MB of RAM by default. If your Collectors ingest more than a few files, you should consider increasing the max heap size the Collector can use.

Memory Error

A Collector may fail to launch if there isn't adequate memory available. The Collector logs will have the following error: 

WrapperSimpleApp Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

New Collector

When registering a new Collector you can specify the parameter wrapper.java.maxmemory in user.properties with a higher memory value than the default 128MB. For example, a user.properties file with a memory setting of 2048MB would look like:

name = My Collector 
accessid = accessId
accesskey = accessKey
wrapper.java.maxmemory = 2048
ParameterDescriptionCan be changed after installation?
wrapper.java.maxmemorySets the maximum java heap size, in MB.
Default: 128
Yes, with Collector restart.

Command line installer

When using the command line (shell script) installer you can specify the parameter -Vwrapper.java.maxmemory with a higher memory value than the default 128MB. For details and example commands on Collector installation, see Install a Collector on LinuxInstall a Collector on MacOS, and Install a Collector on Windows.

For example, the parameter with a memory setting of 2048MB would look like:

ParameterDescriptionCan be changed after installation?
wrapper.java.maxmemorySets the maximum java heap size, in MB.
Default: 128
Yes, with Collector restart.

Existing Collector


If user.properties contains the content listed in Increase memory for collectors upgraded from versions before 19.137 below, follow the instructions in that section.

To increase the maximum Java Heap size:

  1. On the computer running the Collector, open install_directory/config/user.properties.

  2. Add or locate the following parameter:

  3. Increase the wrapper.java.maxmemory value, based on the number of files you expect to collect from.

    • 512MB for dozens of files
    • 1024MB for 100 files
    • 2048MB for more than 100 files
    • 4096MB for more than 1000 files

    These are general guidelines since your exact memory requirement depends on how many sources are configured, log volume, use of wildcards and recursive scans in the path expressions, and filters.

    If you are using centralized data collection, you must increase collector memory.

  4. Restart the collector using the command: 

    install_directory/collector restart

Monitor memory issues

To monitor collectors for out-of-memory issues, ingest the collector logs, and schedule following search to run every 15 minutes with time range last 15 minutes.

_sourceCategory=*LocalCollectorLogs* "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
| timeslice 15m
| count by _timeslice, _collector
| "https://help.sumologic.com/Send_Data/Collector_FAQs/Increase_memory_in_a_Collector" as sumoHelp
| concat ("collector: ", _collector, " identified with insufficient max heap memory. Increase java heap space allocation for it. Refer: ", sumoHelp) as msg
| sort by _timeslice, _collector | fields -sumoHelp

Increase memory for collectors upgraded from versions before 19.137

If the user.properties file contains these lines:


you must append the following to the end of the Sumo_install_dir/config/wrapper.conf file:

# Overwrite the defaults with any properties in user.properties
#include ./config/user.properties

Then update user.properties as follows:

  • Delete the above-mentioned three lines (the lines that begin with wrapper.)
  • Add the following line: wrapper.java.maxmemory=<some_value>

You can now restart the Collector as described in Start or Stop a Collector Using Scripts.