Dashboards are a powerful forensic tool to create searches and view search results based on data available through a search.
New Dashboards
A new dashboard platform is available that allows you to analyze metric and log data on the same dashboard, in a streamlined user experience.
See the following options to view and modify settings for dashboards:
📄️ About Dashboards
Dashboards are a powerful forensic tool to create searches and view search results based on data available through a search.
🗃️ Get Started
14 items
🗃️ Chart Panels Types
12 items
🗃️ Edit Dashboards and Panels
6 items
📄️ Share a Dashboard Inside Your Org
Sharing dashboards lets you provide the insights you gain from Sumo with those you trust. You can share dashboards with other people in your organization or people outside your organization.
📄️ Share a Dashboard Outside Your Org
This page has information about sharing dashboards with users who do not have a Sumo account. For information about sharing dashboards with other Sumo users, see Share a Dashboard Within Your Org.
📄️ Restricted Operators in Dashboards
There are some restrictions when you use operators with dashboards.