Get Started with Dashboards and Panels
Dashboards are a powerful monitoring tool. If you need some inspiration, you might want to take a look at the Apps in Sumo Logic to see how the experts have used all of the available options.
In this section, we will introduce the following concepts:
📄️ Create a Dashboard
Almost any query you run that produces aggregate results can be saved as a Data Panel in a Live or an Interactive Dashboard. Aggregating (grouping) functions evaluate
📄️ Add a Dashboard Link
You can use the tourl operator to link values in a dashboard to any other dashboard where you have View permissions. You can also pass dynamic values to these dashboards and searches based on a table entry.
📄️ Add Links to Text Panels
Text panels can provide links to URLs or other Dashboards with markdown syntax.
📄️ Add a Text Panel
In addition to data Panels, Sumo Logic gives your team the flexibility to create Text Panels to display descriptive text, and Title Panels to display above Data Panels.
📄️ Dashboard Optimization
Optimization improves the efficiency of Dashboard searches.
📄️ Delete a Dashboard
You can delete a Dashboard at any time.
📄️ Launch a Search from a Data Panel
Whether you're working with a Dashboard you designed or from a published Dashboard, you can click a data point in a Panel to launch a search from that point in time in the Search page. This is especially useful in situations where you've noticed activity in a Panel that you'd like to research further.
📄️ Markdown Syntax
The following Markdown Syntax options are supported in Dashboards. When your syntax is supported, you'll see "Markdown Supported" near the bottom left corner of the text box. Unsupported syntax prevents you from clicking the Submit button.
📄️ Move a Panel in a Dashboard
If you have created a Dashboard, you can move Panels around to change the layout of the Dashboard.
📄️ Pause a Panel
When in Live Mode, the panels display real time data. The data displayed is constantly updated. If you'd like to view static data, you can pause a Panel when it's zoomed to temporarily disable auto updates. Pausing a panel stops the search in a Live Dashboard, and re-enables auto updates when you press Play again.
📄️ Resize a Panel
You can resize a Panel in a Dashboard to any dimension you need.
📄️ Set the Data Access Level for a Dashboard
This page has information about data access levels for shared dashboards.
📄️ Title Panels
Title Panels can be placed in any position in a Dashboard.
📄️ Zoom in on a Panel
The Zoom icon allows you to zoom in on a single Panel from a Dashboard for a better view. Once it is opened, the zoomed Panel fills the browser window.