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Dashboard Optimization

Optimization improves the efficiency of Dashboard searches. 

Sumo automatically optimizes a dashboard panel if it loads continuously for five minutes. If you pause a query before five minutes has elapsed, and then resume it, the timer restarts.

When a query has loaded for five minutes without completing, Sumo creates a scheduled view for the query, and modifies the query to use that view. Queries that were created with a scheduled view are considered to be already optimized, so Sumo does not attempt additional optimization.

Optimization icons

The icon in the upper right corner of each Dashboard Panel shows the current optimization status of that Panel.

Icon Description
icon_info.pngNo optimization errors. Click the icon to display information about the Panel.
icon_caution_25x23.pngThe Panel can’t be optimized.

Optimization timeslice and time range requirements 

  • Timeslice—The timeslice must be a factor or multiple of 15. For example:

    • If less than 15 minutes: 1m, 3m, 5m
    • If greater than 15 minutes: 15m, 30m, 45m, 60m, 75m, and so on.
  • Timerange—The time range on the dashboard panel must be at least 1 one hour.

Optimization limitations

There are some limitations on what types of queries can be optimized in an interactive dashboard.

In an aggregate query only, the following group by functions are supported:

  • count
  • min
  • max
  • sum
  • avg

Before the first group by, only the following operators are supported:

  • Extract
  • Parse
  • Json
  • KeyValue
  • Filter
  • Where
  • Fields
  • Timeslice

There is no restriction on the operators after the first group by. For example, you can add lookup after the first group by function, but not before.