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Kubernetes Quickstart

This guide will walk you through setting up Sumo Logic's Kubernetes solution. If you don't have a Sumo Logic account, sign up for a free trial.


  1. If this is the first time installing our helm chart, add the Sumo Logic Helm repo:

    helm repo add sumologic
    helm repo update
  2. Get your Sumo Logic Access ID and Access Key and run the following command:

    helm upgrade --install <HELM_RELEASE_NAME> sumologic/sumologic \
    --set sumologic.accessId="<SUMO_ACCESS_ID>" \
    --set sumologic.accessKey="<SUMO_ACCESS_KEY>"
  3. Once you have completed installation, you can install the Kubernetes App and view the dashboards and open a new Explore tab in Sumo Logic. If you don't see data in Sumo Logic, you can review our troubleshooting guide.

Helm Values File

As a best practice, we recommend using helm values files when adding additional configuration. The values file should only contain properties you want to change from the default values.yaml to ensure upgrades behave properly.

Additional Reading