Collect Metrics Using Telegraf
These topics have information about using Telgraf, an open source, plugin-based collector, to obtain metrics from an application and to send those metrics to Sumo Logic.
In this section, we will introduce the following concepts:
📄️ Telegraf Collection Architecture
This topic has information about using Telegraf to obtain metrics from an application and to send those metrics to Sumo Logic.
📄️ Install Telegraf
This topic has instructions for installing Telegraf to work with Sumo Logic. We provide two sets of instructions:
📄️ Configure Telegraf Input Plugins
This topic explains how to configure Telegraf input plugins, and has examples of configuring several input plugins.
📄️ Configure Telegraf Output Plugin for Sumo Logic
This page has instructions for configuring the Telegraf output plugin for Sumo Logic.
📄️ Collect Custom JMX Metrics with Jolokia
This topic has information about collecting custom JMX metrics using the Jolokia agent and Telegraf.