
Manage Billing Information

The Billing page allows admin users to add or update the credit card information for self-service accounts. These are the accounts that have upgraded from a trial or free account with a credit card (self-service), using the in-product Upgrade feature.

All users who have Admin role privileges can manage the billing information for Sumo Logic. This includes the credit card number on file (monthly or annual payment), as well as the billing address and contact information.

Once changes are submitted, Sumo Logic will begin applies the new credit card for the next billing cycle. To reassign the account owner role to another admin user, see Account Page for your account type.

To change the billing information, do the following:

  1. Go to Administration > Account.
  2. Select the Billing tab.
  3. Click Use a New Credit Card.
  4. Enter the new credit card information, or edit any of the billing address/contact information.
  5. Click Submit.